Tuesday, May 8, 2012
First Year of Graduate School Over Already?? Class of 2013, Here I Come :)
It's hard to believe that I'm about to conclude my first full year of graduate education at Molloy. It seems as if it's been more than a year since I went to the college for my interview and was accepted on the spot. It was one of the best feelings ever; I felt so accomplished. In another year, God's willing, I'll be graduating and it's as if time is literally flying. I am very proud of myself for coming this far in my life and in my education. It hasn't been an easy road because it has included many sleepless nights, frustrating days, and tears; however, at the end of the day, anything that's worth it will not come easy, so I'm grateful for every minute because it has succeeded in doing nothing but making me a stronger individual. Additionally, I'm grateful for the support of my family and friends. My goal and dream of becoming a Social Studies/ESL teacher is literally months away compared to a year ago!! There are of course quite a few hurdles to go over before that time next year, but I have faith that I will hurl over them. Perseverance and faith is key when one is going after something they really want, something they feel deep down is meant for them, something they're meant to do; perseverance and faith is what I will continue to hold onto and from that I know I can soar.
Conclude- to bring to an end.
Accomplish(ed)- to bring to its goal.
Grateful- deeply appreciated of kindness or benefits received.
Succeed(ed)- to accomplish what is attempted or intended.
Hurdle(s)- obstacle.
Perseverance- steady persistence in a course of action especially in spite of difficulties.
Grammar Activity
A synonym is a word that has a meaning that is similar to another word. For example, easy and simple basically mean the same thing. Try to find the synonyms below. The vocabulary words are in Row 1 and the synonyms are in Row 2.
Row 1 Row 2
Accomplish Diligence
Succeed Finish
Perseverance To Complete
Hurdle Appreciated
Conclude To thrive
Grateful Barrier
Grammar Point
The paragraph is written in past, present, and future tense. There are many nouns and action verbs within, can you find five of each.
Grammar Practice Exercise
Think of a special and meaningful time in your life. What makes it stand out in your memory? It could be a happy, sad, or trying time in your life. Using the vocabulary words and/or its synonyms, write a paragraph about it
Monday, May 7, 2012
Great Ball of Fire
The Sun is an amazing, blinding, and breathtaking object. It provides light for our entire planet while it rotates and even while being approximately 150 million miles away, it continues to give bright, unwavering light and life to the Earth. Many don't realize it, but the Sun is a star, just a VERY large one, and is located at the middle of the Solar System. It is estimated that the sun is about 109 times the size of the Earth! It makes sense why the heat we receive from it is exactly that, so hot! Sunlight provides us with Vitamin D yet this does not mean we should go out and sit in its light for long periods of time; it is also the Earth's greatest source of energy. However, although the sun and its light are a blessing and necessity, it can also be a curse. Ultraviolet rays from the Sun can be very harmful causing damage to the skin and body and it is necessary that we protect ourselves as much as possible. Wearing sunscreen lotion with the highest SPF(Sun Protection Factor) you can find, especially when out of doors for a prolonged period of time, can help defend us from the Sun's strong rays. The Sun is at its highest point in the sky at midday and during the early afternoon hours following that time; this is when the most caution should be taken. Also, we should never stare straight at the Sun even when we're wearing sunglasses. Doing so can cause temporary or permanent damage to our eyes, specifically to the retina. The Sun is powerful and we have to make sure to stay aware of that. Beautiful but dangerous, let's not allow its stunning exquisiteness to be of harm to us, but only of help.
Sun at Midday Sunset
Breathtaking- thrilling, beautiful, astonishing.
Approximately- nearly exact.
Unwavering- unchanging.
Solar System- the Sun together with all the planets and other bodies that revolve around it.
Estimated- to form an approximate opinion or judgement.
Source- any thing or place from which something comes, arises, or is obtained.
Caution- a warning against danger.
Permanent- long-lasting or nonfading.
Dangerous- able or likely to cause physical injury.
Retina- the innermost coat of the posterior part of the eyeball that receives images produced by the lens.
Exquisiteness(Exquisite)- extraordinarily fine or admirable.
Grammar Activity
Directions: Use the vocabulary words to fill in the blank of each sentence below.
1. After having stitches on my face, I now have a scar.
2. There are eight major planets and one dwarf planet in the .
3. Fire is and we must be careful when dealing with it.
4. There are 6,840,507,003 people living on Earth.
5. If you stare at the Sun for too long, the can be damaged.
6. Rivers, lakes, creeks, and springs are all considered a of fresh water.
7. Sarah's support of her school earned her an award.
8. The beauty of the bride was .
9. Luke that the Lakers would beat the Heats by more than 15 points.
10. The professionally made cake was .
Grammar PointThe majority of this paragraph is written in the present tense, however, there are also some conditional and future tenses included.
Grammar Practice ActivityChoose a planet and using no less than five of the vocabulary words, write a paragraph about it.
The Joy of Food
Food is one thing that can bring people of any background, ethnicity, or nationality together and make them very happy. There is such a variety of cuisines in our world and because we live in New York City, we have an advantage because this city is extremely diverse which allows us the opportunity to experience people from around the globe and their unique foods. I love to cook and enjoy finding new recipes to experiment with. I cook with love and the most rewarding part of it all is when I see the delight of satisfaction on the face of those who dine on my creations. Food makes us feel warm and whole inside not only physically, but mentally as well. Cooking food gathers people together and allows them to laugh and feel lighthearted even when their bellies are full with the goodness of the fare, and this, I believe, is one of the greatest things of all.
Ethnicity- ethnic traits, background, allegiance, or association.
Nationality- the status of belonging to a particular nation.
Cuisine- a style or quality of cooking.
Diverse- of a different kind, form, or character.
Opportunity- a good position, chance, or prospect.
Experience- a particular instance of personally encountering something.
Unique- having no like or equal
Experiment- a test or trial.
Satisfaction- fulfillment and/or gratification.
Fare- food
Grammar Activity
Directions: Find the vocabulary words from the list above in the word search puzzle below. Take your time and have fun!!
The Beauty of Food
Grammar Point and Practice Activity
The paragraph is written in the present tense and includes a slew of conjunctions. A conjunction is a word that is used to link words or phrases, ex. and, because, for, when. Reread the paragraph and find at least five different conjunctions and use them in a sentence.
Let's Get Healthy!!!
A Food Pyramid
Regular exercise and proper eating habits are recommended for us as human beings to lead a healthy lifestyle. Doctors suggest that we exercise 3-5 times a week and watch our intake of food. What this means is that what we put into out mouths as sustenance makes a huge difference. As much as I love the fast food chain Taco Bell, it's not going to help me maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some of the items we should consume on a daily basis are fresh vegetables and fruits for a variety of nutrients, dairy to receive calcium which is a nutrient we receive from cow's milk or almost anything made from it and it helps to strengthen our bones, and meats for protein. Although it is very difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle when many of us lead such busy lives, have little time for exercise, and fast food is so readily available, making the decision to work out more often and make better food choices is one that can prove itself to be beneficial for many years to come.
Exercise-bodily exertion especially for the sake of training or the improvement of health.
Recommend- to advise
Healthy-possessing or enjoying good health
Sustenance- nourishment.
Maintain- to preserve or retain.
Consume- to eat or drink.
Nutrients- providing nourishment or nutriment to the body.
Protein- the plant or animal tissue rich in such molecules and is considered as a food source supplying necessary nutrients for the body
Beneficial- helpful and advantageous.
Grammar Activity
Direction: Unscramble each word below and write the correct spelling on the line.
Grammar Point
There are many content specific words in this paragraph. For example, protein, nutrients, calcium, and exercise can all be considered Biology specific terms. Each of these terms was used as a noun in the above paragraph. The entry is written in the present tense with some future tense.
Let's Practice!!
Use a minimum of six of the vocabulary words and create a short paragraph of your own. Remember to look at the definitions of the word if you are having trouble using it in a sentence.
A dog for me is what it shall be!!
Cocker Spaniel
I've never had a pet. When I tell people this, they tell me I've been deprived! Although I'm sure a pet would have been a wonderful asset to my home, I understand now as an adult why my parents never allowed my siblings and I to have one. Pets are a lot of responsibility. They require attention, love, and of course, need to be taken care of, just like human beings. When I move out of my parents' house, I would love to finally have a pet. My pet of choice? A dog!! I prefer dogs over cats and I believe if you treat them well, they will be loyal to you for years to come. I would like to get an Alaskan Husky, a Labrador Retriever, or a Cocker Spaniel. This will not be for many years, but when the time does come, I hope that my long awaited pet and I are a perfect match.
Alaskan Husky Labrador Retrievers
Deprived- lacking the necessities of life.
Asset-a useful or desirable thing.
Responsibility- a person or thing that one is accountable for.
Choice- a number and variety to select from.
Prefer- to like better or best.
Loyal- faithful.
Grammar Activity
Directions: In the puzzle below, find the vocabulary words from the list above.
Grammar Point
The paragraph is written to include the past, present, and future tenses and contains many adjectives which is a word used to describe something.
Grammar Assignment
Make a sentence with each of the new vocabulary words. Be creative :)!
I have seasonal allergies and it can be so annoying!! Every March, it never fails that my nose, ears, and throat start to get itchy and soon after that comes the sneezing, runny and stuffy nose, watery eyes, and intense sinus headaches. The pollen, ragweed, grass seeds, and everything else that comes from nature has an effect on me and sometimes, it seems as if I have an agonizing, ongoing head cold. There are multiple remedies to subdue the effects of allergies such as eye drops, nasal (nose) sprays, and allergy medications which can come as a pill or a shot; there are also natural remedies such as neti pots and avoiding certain foods. Usually, I take a 24-hour pill and it holds my symptoms at bay for one or two days before I have to take another. My allergies can make me feel horrible, yet I've learned to not only cope, but to also always have a lot of tissue handy.
Annoy- to disturb or bother.
Intense- strong.
Effect- the result of something else.
Allergies- abnormal reaction of the body to an allergen (ex. substances that do not agree with an individual persons body).
Agonize- to suffer agony or anguish.
Remedy- something that cures or brings relief.
Subdue- to repress or reduce the intensity of something.
Multiple- many, a lot.
Symptom- a sign or indication of something.
Grammar Activity
Directions: In the following sentences, fill in the blank with a word from the vocabulary list above. Remember that you may have to change the tense of the word, ex. annoy, annoys, annoyed, annoying.
1. It was hurricane season and during that time, there were winds.
2. The baby was very upset after having his shots, so his mother held him close to his cries.
3. The pain I experienced when I sprained my ankle was .
4. The of not studying was a grade of 63 for Hannah on her Geometry test.
5. of the flu are a fever, body chills, loss of appetite, muscle aches, and headaches, just to name a few.
6. I love my little sister , but she can be very .
7. At my high school, there are clubs I can join.
8. My little brother has an to peanuts.
9. One for a sore throat is a hot mug of lemon tea with honey.
Grammar Point
The paragraph is written in present tense with some future tense indicators. There are a plethora of nouns and many adjectives used throughout. Additionally, multiple conjunctions are also employed.
Grammar Activity
Find two each of a verb, noun, and adjective in the paragraph and write a sentence using it.
Annoy- to disturb or bother.
Intense- strong.
Effect- the result of something else.
Allergies- abnormal reaction of the body to an allergen (ex. substances that do not agree with an individual persons body).
Agonize- to suffer agony or anguish.
Remedy- something that cures or brings relief.
Subdue- to repress or reduce the intensity of something.
Multiple- many, a lot.
Symptom- a sign or indication of something.
Grammar Activity
Directions: In the following sentences, fill in the blank with a word from the vocabulary list above. Remember that you may have to change the tense of the word, ex. annoy, annoys, annoyed, annoying.
1. It was hurricane season and during that time, there were winds.
2. The baby was very upset after having his shots, so his mother held him close to his cries.
3. The pain I experienced when I sprained my ankle was .
4. The of not studying was a grade of 63 for Hannah on her Geometry test.
5. of the flu are a fever, body chills, loss of appetite, muscle aches, and headaches, just to name a few.
6. I love my little sister , but she can be very .
7. At my high school, there are clubs I can join.
8. My little brother has an to peanuts.
9. One for a sore throat is a hot mug of lemon tea with honey.
Grammar Point
The paragraph is written in present tense with some future tense indicators. There are a plethora of nouns and many adjectives used throughout. Additionally, multiple conjunctions are also employed.
Grammar Activity
Find two each of a verb, noun, and adjective in the paragraph and write a sentence using it.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Cell Phones: Leave them alone while you're driving!!
Cell phones are such great items. They make life so much more convenient and allow one to keep track of family, friends, and work while on the go. Over the years, cell phones have become more popular due to the variety of styles, features, their portability, and customization abilities. All in all, the cell phone is an amazing tool. Yet, regardless of how great they are, they can be an enormous distraction, especially while driving. It is estimated that 1 in 20 automobile accidents are linked to cell phone usage. Can you imagine? That is so devastating! The lesson here is to make sure to put your cell phones away while driving or at least ignore the call, text, or notification until you pull over to the side of the road or have reached your destination to then give the cell phone your full attention. That split second that you may take to answer a call , while your eyes were on the screen of the cell phone and not on the road, a terrible accident can occur. Is it worth it? I think not. Cell phones are wonderful, but the tragedy they can cause is not worth their awesomeness.
Convenient- easy to access.
Customization- to be able to make your own through your personal preferences.
Variety- different types of something.
Enormous- big.
Distraction- something that takes your attention away from something else.
Estimated- approximately; a guess.
Devastating- chaos, unhappiness, and/or grief.
Tragedy- a sad, horrible, event.
Grammar Point
In the above paragraph, there are many verbs, nouns, and adjectives; they are used in the present and future tenses. Can you find three of each?
Grammar Activity: Let's Practice
Write a sentence using each of the vocabulary words. For example: I went to the candy shop yesterday with my grandpa and there were a variety of candies, chocolates, and other treats. Your sentence can be simple or like the above example, more complex. It is alright to do simple sentences, however, challenge yourself to create at least one complex, longer sentence. Make sure to read your sentences aloud to yourself to be sure they make sense when you speak as well as when you read them.
Convenient- easy to access.
Customization- to be able to make your own through your personal preferences.
Variety- different types of something.
Enormous- big.
Distraction- something that takes your attention away from something else.
Estimated- approximately; a guess.
Devastating- chaos, unhappiness, and/or grief.
Tragedy- a sad, horrible, event.
Grammar Point
In the above paragraph, there are many verbs, nouns, and adjectives; they are used in the present and future tenses. Can you find three of each?
Grammar Activity: Let's Practice
Write a sentence using each of the vocabulary words. For example: I went to the candy shop yesterday with my grandpa and there were a variety of candies, chocolates, and other treats. Your sentence can be simple or like the above example, more complex. It is alright to do simple sentences, however, challenge yourself to create at least one complex, longer sentence. Make sure to read your sentences aloud to yourself to be sure they make sense when you speak as well as when you read them.
Technology: Something new everyday!
We are in the midst of a technological boom. It seems that everyday, there is something newer and better than the present cell phone, television, tablet, or laptop before it. It's so hard to keep track. I remember when cell phones were hardly the latest accessory; most people did not have them not even 10 years ago, now even children have them. And how they have changed! My dad asked me to send a text for him on his flip phone a few days ago, I did not realize how much I'd gotten used to my spiffy touch screen phone until I began pressing the buttons on his; now his phone seems archaic! Computers have not only become more portable and accessible, but lighter in weight, sleeker in looks, and smarter with the ability to do more than the older laptops and the desktops that were staple to most homes 10+ years ago. Tablets like the iPad offer many of the features of a computer, yet weigh very little and are extremely portable. The generation of today have so much technology available to them that they do not even know what a phone book is or how to use it. Why should they when they can simply Google it? Televisions are slimmer and the picture is clearer than ever before; some brands even offer 3D tv's! Technology has made life so much simpler yet complicated at the same time because many struggle to keep up. However, how can you when every few months, something different is released? Now that so many of us are so used to it, can we ever live without it again? If it were to be taken away from us, would we go through withdrawal as people do when they're being weaned off of something they're addicted to? We are technological people, there is no doubt about it, and in time, we will only become more engrossed in the items of the future and leave the ones of today in the past. Technology is a part of us and will continue to be so for centuries to come.
Technological-advances in technology.
Accessory- an article that is complimentary to a person's style.
Spiffy- smart and new.
Archaic- old and/or ancient.
Portable- something that can be easily carried around.
Accessible- easy to reach.
Google- a search engine on the Internet.
Engrossed- something that completely occupies a persons attention.
Grammar Point
There are many nouns in the paragraph above. Remember, a noun is a person, place, thing or idea. Can you find ten nouns in the story?
Creative Writing Activity
Write a paragraph about what technology means to you. Include at least four of the vocabulary words in your writing. Also, think about what technology means for the world and how our world is changing because of it.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
What a great BIG world!
There have been lots of times where I have daydreamed of traveling to other countries. The world consists of so many different places, people, cuisines, cultures, and climates that I just want to visit them all. Many people never even leave the country they were born in; some, if they live in America, may never leave the state in which they live! It is sad to think that there is so much out there to behold and many people will never have the chance to see even a snippet of it. I have been to only a few countries so far: England, France, and Guyana, yet, it is my dream that one day I may have the opportunity to visit many more regions all around our awesome globe. There is so much to see and experience and I can only imagine the excitement future travels hold for me. I look forward to the people I will meet, the places I will see, the foods I will taste, the memories I will make, and the inspiration I will gain while doing something that will give me great joy: seeing the world.
Daydream- similar to dreaming while asleep, but to do so while awake, usually a pleasant thought.
Consists- made up of.
Cuisines- different styles of cooking and different types of foods.
Climate- different types of weather in different parts of the world (Example: When it is winter in America, it is summer in Australia.)
Behold- to look at or see something or someone.
Snippet- a small piece.
Opportunity- to have a/the chance to be able to do something.
Experience- something a person has done or may do in the future.
Inspiration- a positive impact or influence.
A synonym is a word that has a meaning that is similar to another word. For example, easy and simple basically mean the same thing. See if you can find the synonyms below. The vocabulary words are in the Row 1 and the synonyms are in Row 2.
Row 1 Row 2
Daydream Watch
Consists Encounter
Cuisines Imagine
Climate Fragment/Small
Behold Contain
Snippet Food
Opportunity Motivation
Experience Temperature
Inspiration Chance
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Winter! Or not??
I always say that when we have a blazing hot summer, it's going to be followed by a frigid cold winter with plenty of snow to boot. Up until the present winter season, I believed as much. Last summer, summer 2011, we were plagued by a heat wave; one couldn't step out of the shower without wanting to jump back in to be able to hold onto that refreshed feeling. Stepping outside, it was like a sauna. To say the least, it was unbearable and air conditioning was everyone's best friend. Fall, my favorite season, went by much too quickly, but we had snow in October, which was not usual for New York!! Most people, including myself, believed that this could only be a prequel to what was to come during the winter; but we were very wrong.
Since winter officially began, here in New York, we've had about two handfuls of those frigid cold days we believed were on their way to stay and I for one am grateful for no more than that. Over the last few weeks, it has seemed more like spring than it has any other season and I have basked in the warmth of the sun minus the brisk cold in the air. Everyone says don't jinx it, because before we know, it'll be freezing again!! However, I believe that if we get out of February with no more than a light dusting of snow or two totaling in at no more than 3-6 inches, I think we'll be home free.
Yet, if we think about it, this warm winter is a little bit scary. Why?? Because it's an indication that global warming is plaguing our planet more than we've ever known. Different locations have been hitting high temperature records more than ever over the last few weeks and this is not only abnormal, but unsafe for the earth. We should all take this unusually warm winter as a lesson to care for our planet more than we've been doing before. Make sure to recycle, use biodegradable products, don't litter, use less water and paper, less electricity, walk more and drive less, stop smoking, and overall, just be conscious that this big round globe is our home, and just as it takes care of us, we must take care of it. There's so much out there about going green, but we must all work together, in every part of the world to make it happen, to make a difference. Let's get back the winters that we used to have, because the cold can be healthy for us and kids still need to play in snow.
Blaze- hot, burning brightly.
Frigid- very cold temperature.
Plagued- a negative effect on something.
Sauna- a room where a person sits and there is heat coming from the vents; because of this, the person sweats a lot.
Unbearable- not being able to handle.
Officially- definitely, surely, without a doubt.
Grateful- thankful; appreciative.
Basked- to enjoy pleasant warmth or attention.
Abnormal- not usual.
Biodegradable- an object or organism that is able to decay(waste away) without leaving harmful remains behind.
Vocabulary Exercise
Directions: Place the correct word in the blank.
Last year during the summer, my family and I enjoyed a day at the beach where we in the warm sunlight. The temperature was similar to a and at times the heat was and we would sit under the big beach umbrella for shade. When we weren't lying in the sun or playing with the sand, we went into the ocean and had fun frolicking in the water. At first, when we stepped in, the water was , but soon, we became used to the temperature. We were so for such a nice day and were glad that we weren't by a heat wave that weekend, because if we had been, that summer day would not have been as pleasant; there was nothing about that day at all. Soon, the day of fun and leisure was over, but we planned to have a bonfire where the flames would brightly and we roasted marshmallows and frankfurters. When we were finished, we were sure to pick up all of our garbage because the plastic bags, plate, cups and other items were not . It was the perfect summer day and I look forward to this coming summer where we can do it all over again.
The grammar used in this entry is mostly past tense with some future tense. Read through the paragraph and find them, then write the present and future tense for those words.
Creative Writing
Time to get creative! Think of an activity that you have done during any season of the year. Using the past tense, just as it was exemplified in the paragraphs above, write your own story.
Since winter officially began, here in New York, we've had about two handfuls of those frigid cold days we believed were on their way to stay and I for one am grateful for no more than that. Over the last few weeks, it has seemed more like spring than it has any other season and I have basked in the warmth of the sun minus the brisk cold in the air. Everyone says don't jinx it, because before we know, it'll be freezing again!! However, I believe that if we get out of February with no more than a light dusting of snow or two totaling in at no more than 3-6 inches, I think we'll be home free.
Yet, if we think about it, this warm winter is a little bit scary. Why?? Because it's an indication that global warming is plaguing our planet more than we've ever known. Different locations have been hitting high temperature records more than ever over the last few weeks and this is not only abnormal, but unsafe for the earth. We should all take this unusually warm winter as a lesson to care for our planet more than we've been doing before. Make sure to recycle, use biodegradable products, don't litter, use less water and paper, less electricity, walk more and drive less, stop smoking, and overall, just be conscious that this big round globe is our home, and just as it takes care of us, we must take care of it. There's so much out there about going green, but we must all work together, in every part of the world to make it happen, to make a difference. Let's get back the winters that we used to have, because the cold can be healthy for us and kids still need to play in snow.
Blaze- hot, burning brightly.
Frigid- very cold temperature.
Plagued- a negative effect on something.
Sauna- a room where a person sits and there is heat coming from the vents; because of this, the person sweats a lot.
Unbearable- not being able to handle.
Officially- definitely, surely, without a doubt.
Grateful- thankful; appreciative.
Basked- to enjoy pleasant warmth or attention.
Abnormal- not usual.
Biodegradable- an object or organism that is able to decay(waste away) without leaving harmful remains behind.
Vocabulary Exercise
Directions: Place the correct word in the blank.
Last year during the summer, my family and I enjoyed a day at the beach where we in the warm sunlight. The temperature was similar to a and at times the heat was and we would sit under the big beach umbrella for shade. When we weren't lying in the sun or playing with the sand, we went into the ocean and had fun frolicking in the water. At first, when we stepped in, the water was , but soon, we became used to the temperature. We were so for such a nice day and were glad that we weren't by a heat wave that weekend, because if we had been, that summer day would not have been as pleasant; there was nothing about that day at all. Soon, the day of fun and leisure was over, but we planned to have a bonfire where the flames would brightly and we roasted marshmallows and frankfurters. When we were finished, we were sure to pick up all of our garbage because the plastic bags, plate, cups and other items were not . It was the perfect summer day and I look forward to this coming summer where we can do it all over again.
The grammar used in this entry is mostly past tense with some future tense. Read through the paragraph and find them, then write the present and future tense for those words.
Creative Writing
Time to get creative! Think of an activity that you have done during any season of the year. Using the past tense, just as it was exemplified in the paragraphs above, write your own story.
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