It's hard to believe that I'm about to conclude my first full year of graduate education at Molloy. It seems as if it's been more than a year since I went to the college for my interview and was accepted on the spot. It was one of the best feelings ever; I felt so accomplished. In another year, God's willing, I'll be graduating and it's as if time is literally flying. I am very proud of myself for coming this far in my life and in my education. It hasn't been an easy road because it has included many sleepless nights, frustrating days, and tears; however, at the end of the day, anything that's worth it will not come easy, so I'm grateful for every minute because it has succeeded in doing nothing but making me a stronger individual. Additionally, I'm grateful for the support of my family and friends. My goal and dream of becoming a Social Studies/ESL teacher is literally months away compared to a year ago!! There are of course quite a few hurdles to go over before that time next year, but I have faith that I will hurl over them. Perseverance and faith is key when one is going after something they really want, something they feel deep down is meant for them, something they're meant to do; perseverance and faith is what I will continue to hold onto and from that I know I can soar.
Conclude- to bring to an end.
Accomplish(ed)- to bring to its goal.
Grateful- deeply appreciated of kindness or benefits received.
Succeed(ed)- to accomplish what is attempted or intended.
Hurdle(s)- obstacle.
Perseverance- steady persistence in a course of action especially in spite of difficulties.
Grammar Activity
A synonym is a word that has a meaning that is similar to another word. For example, easy and simple basically mean the same thing. Try to find the synonyms below. The vocabulary words are in Row 1 and the synonyms are in Row 2.
Row 1 Row 2
Accomplish Diligence
Succeed Finish
Perseverance To Complete
Hurdle Appreciated
Conclude To thrive
Grateful Barrier
Grammar Point
The paragraph is written in past, present, and future tense. There are many nouns and action verbs within, can you find five of each.
Grammar Practice Exercise
Think of a special and meaningful time in your life. What makes it stand out in your memory? It could be a happy, sad, or trying time in your life. Using the vocabulary words and/or its synonyms, write a paragraph about it
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