Sunday, March 4, 2012

What a great BIG world!

         There have been lots of times where I have daydreamed of traveling to other countries. The world consists of so many different places, people, cuisines, cultures, and climates that I just want to visit them all. Many people never even leave the country they were born in; some, if they live in America, may never leave the state in which they live! It is sad to think that there is so much out there to behold and many people will never have the chance to see even a snippet of it. I have been to only a few countries so far: England, France, and Guyana, yet, it is my dream that one day I may have the opportunity to visit many more regions all around our awesome globe. There is so much to see and experience and I can only imagine the excitement future travels hold for me. I look forward to the people I will meet, the places I will see, the foods I will taste, the memories I will make, and the inspiration I will gain while doing something that will give me great joy: seeing the world.

Daydream- similar to dreaming while asleep, but to do so while awake, usually a pleasant thought.

Consists- made up of.

Cuisines- different styles of cooking and different types of foods.

Climate- different types of weather in different parts of the world (Example: When it is winter in America, it is summer in Australia.)

Behold- to look at or see something or someone.

Snippet- a small piece.

Opportunity- to have a/the chance to be able to do something.

Experience- something a person has done or may do in the future.

Inspiration- a positive impact or influence.

A synonym is a word that has a meaning that is similar to another word. For example, easy and simple basically mean the same thing. See if you can find the synonyms below. The vocabulary words are in the Row 1 and the synonyms are in Row 2.

Row 1                                                                                                    Row 2
Daydream                                                                                              Watch

Consists                                                                                                  Encounter                                                                    

Cuisines                                                                                                  Imagine

Climate                                                                                                   Fragment/Small

Behold                                                                                                   Contain

Snippet                                                                                                   Food

Opportunity                                                                                            Motivation

Experience                                                                                             Temperature

Inspiration                                                                                              Chance


  1. And with a TESOL degree you may be able to travel and work...

  2. I would definitely love to travel more. With a TESOL background you can probably work in a different country each year. What an amazing time that would be.
