Monday, March 5, 2012

Technology: Something new everyday!

        We are in the midst of a technological boom. It seems that everyday, there is something newer and better than the present cell phone, television, tablet, or laptop before it. It's so hard to keep track. I remember when cell phones were hardly the latest accessory; most people did not have them not even 10 years ago, now even children have them. And how they have changed! My dad asked me to send a text for him on his flip phone a few days ago, I did not realize how much I'd gotten used to my spiffy touch screen phone until I began pressing the buttons on his; now his phone seems archaic! Computers have not only become more portable and  accessible, but lighter in weight, sleeker in looks, and smarter with the ability to do more than the older laptops and the desktops that were staple to most homes 10+ years ago. Tablets like the iPad offer many of the features of a computer, yet weigh very little and are extremely portable. The generation of today have so much technology available to them that they do not even know what a phone book is or how to use it. Why should they when they can simply Google it? Televisions are slimmer and the picture is clearer than ever before; some brands even offer 3D tv's! Technology has made life so much simpler yet complicated at the same time because many struggle to keep up. However, how can you when every few months, something different is released? Now that so many of us are so used to it, can we ever live without it again? If it were to be taken away from us, would we go through withdrawal as people do when they're being weaned off of something they're addicted to? We are technological people, there is no doubt about it, and in time, we will only become more engrossed in the items of the future and leave the ones of today in the past. Technology is a part of us and will continue to be so for centuries to come.

Technological-advances in technology.

Accessory- an article that is complimentary to a person's style.

Spiffy- smart and new.

Archaic- old and/or ancient.

Portable- something that can be easily carried around.

Accessible- easy to reach.

Google- a search engine on the Internet.

Engrossed- something that completely occupies a persons attention.

Grammar Point
There are many nouns in the paragraph above. Remember, a noun is a person, place, thing or idea. Can you find ten nouns in the story?

Creative Writing Activity
Write a paragraph about what technology means to you. Include at least four of the vocabulary words in your writing. Also, think about what technology means for the world and how our world is changing because of it.


  1. Good entry! You are quite interested in technology.

    Post a vocabulary exercise (matching, close, word search or something else...)

  2. Great technology blog, the picture of cell phones are funny! The first cell phone was like a huge brick and now they are so tiny. I think I used to own one of those phones.
