Cell phones are such great items. They make life so much more
convenient and allow one to keep track of family, friends, and work while on the go. Over the years, cell phones have become more popular due to the
variety of styles, features, their portability, and
customization abilities. All in all, the cell phone is an amazing tool. Yet, regardless of how great they are, they can be an
enormous distraction, especially while driving. It is
estimated that 1 in 20 automobile accidents are linked to cell phone usage. Can you imagine? That is so
devastating! The lesson here is to make sure to put your cell phones away while driving or at least ignore the call, text, or notification until you pull over to the side of the road or have reached your destination to then give the cell phone your full attention. That split second that you may take to answer a call , while your eyes were on the screen of the cell phone and not on the road, a terrible accident can occur. Is it worth it? I think not. Cell phones are wonderful, but the
tragedy they can cause is not worth their awesomeness.
Convenient- easy to access.
Customization- to be able to make your own through your personal preferences.
Variety- different types of something.
Enormous- big.
Distraction- something that takes your attention away from something else.
Estimated- approximately; a guess.
Devastating- chaos, unhappiness, and/or grief.
Tragedy- a sad, horrible, event.
Grammar Point
In the above paragraph, there are many verbs, nouns, and adjectives; they are used in the present and future tenses. Can you find three of each?
Grammar Activity: Let's Practice
Write a sentence using each of the vocabulary words. For example: I went to the candy shop yesterday with my grandpa and there were a
variety of candies, chocolates, and other treats. Your sentence can be simple or like the above example, more complex. It is alright to do simple sentences, however, challenge yourself to create at least one complex, longer sentence. Make sure to read your sentences aloud to yourself to be sure they make sense when you speak as well as when you read them.