Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Winter! Or not??

     I always say that when we have a blazing hot summer, it's going to be followed by a frigid cold winter with plenty of snow to boot. Up until the present winter season, I believed as much. Last summer, summer 2011, we were plagued by a heat wave; one couldn't step out of the shower without wanting to jump back in to be able to hold onto that refreshed feeling. Stepping outside, it was like a sauna. To say the least, it was unbearable and air conditioning was everyone's best friend. Fall, my favorite season, went by much too quickly, but we had snow in October, which was not usual for New York!! Most people, including myself, believed that this could only be a prequel to what was to come during the winter; but we were very wrong.
     Since winter officially began, here in New York, we've had about two handfuls of those frigid cold days we believed were on their way to stay and I for one am grateful for no more than that. Over the last few weeks, it has seemed more like spring than it has any other season and I have basked in the warmth of the sun minus the brisk cold in the air. Everyone says don't jinx it, because before we know, it'll be freezing again!! However, I believe that if we get out of February with no more than a light dusting of snow or two totaling in at no more than 3-6 inches, I think we'll be home free.
     Yet, if we think about it, this warm winter is a little bit scary. Why?? Because it's an indication that global warming is plaguing our planet more than we've ever known. Different locations have been hitting high temperature records more than ever over the last few weeks and this is not only abnormal, but unsafe for the earth. We should all take this unusually warm winter as a lesson to care for our planet more than we've been doing before. Make sure to recycle, use biodegradable products, don't litter, use less water and paper, less electricity, walk more and drive less, stop smoking,  and overall, just be conscious that this big round globe is our home, and just as it takes care of us, we must take care of it. There's so much out there about going green, but we must all work together, in every part of the world to make it happen, to make a difference. Let's get back the winters that we used to have, because the cold can be healthy for us and kids still need to play in snow.


Blaze- hot, burning brightly.

Frigid- very cold temperature.

Plagued- a negative effect on something.

Sauna- a room where a person sits and there is heat coming from the vents;  because of this, the person sweats a lot.

Unbearable- not being able to handle.

Officially- definitely, surely, without a doubt.

Grateful- thankful; appreciative.

Basked- to enjoy pleasant warmth or attention.

Abnormal- not usual.

Biodegradable- an object or organism that is able to decay(waste away) without leaving harmful remains behind.

Vocabulary Exercise

Directions: Place the correct word in the blank.

Last year during the summer, my family and I enjoyed a day at the beach where we                  in the warm sunlight. The temperature was similar to a                 and at times the heat was                                  and we would sit under the big beach umbrella for shade. When we weren't lying in the sun or playing with the sand, we went into the ocean and had fun frolicking in the water. At first, when we stepped in, the water was                   , but soon, we became used to the temperature. We were so                     for such a nice day and were glad that we weren't                    by a heat wave that weekend, because if we had been, that summer day would not have been as pleasant; there was nothing                             about that day at all. Soon, the day of fun and leisure was                        over,  but we planned to have a bonfire where the flames would                brightly and we roasted marshmallows and frankfurters. When we were finished, we were sure to pick up all of our garbage because the plastic bags, plate, cups and other items were not                                  . It was the perfect summer day and I look forward to this coming summer where we can do it all over again.

The grammar used in this entry is mostly past tense with some future tense. Read through the paragraph and find them, then write the present and future tense for those words.

Creative Writing
Time to get creative! Think of an activity that you have done during any season of the year. Using the past tense, just as it was exemplified in the paragraphs above, write your own story.